Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Argileh's Around Sydney

Resident cheapskate Patrick returning to give you the much anticipated (just pretend it was at least) review of Argileh's around Sydney!!!
Wikipedia defines Argileh as "a single or multi-stemmed instrument for vaporizing and smoking flavored tobacco called shisha in which the vapor or smoke is passed through a water basin (often glass based) before inhalation."
One of these thingies (picture).
Now I must explain the appeal, a group of 4-10 University students with low wages who rarely see each other. Rather than go and 'boose' it up, which costs far more money, we meet up and get an Argileh, 1 between 3, and sometimes (those of us with stable jobs) will grab an accompanying meal.

There are four places being reviewed:
-Sweets On Queens:      57 Queens St, Auburn
-Armani Restaurant:       354 Church St, Parramatta
-El Sweetie Patisserie:    73-75 South Street, Granville
-Cedrus Restaurant:       100 Belmore Street, Ryde

Sweets on Queens     6/10
Formerly the location of choice, due to its cheap prices all round and great service; Sweets has recently gone downhill. While the food is still cheap and more than edible (quite good); the argileh has gone from a below market price of $25 each, it has risen to a market average of $35, despite not being as good as the market has to offer. The only thing worth anything at Sweets now are the memories. One of which I have uploaded now.

Armani Restaurant    7.5-8/10
The industry standard, Armani, is a crowd favourite, most people in western Sydney have heard of this place, on Parramatta's busy Church Street, it is a constantly busy powerhouse. Quality food, although you pay for it (albeit not as much as some of its competition down the road), it presents quality value.
The argileh is $35 dollars, and is amazing. The only downfall is the service, and this is by no means the fault of the staff, the service suffers because of the sheer amount of people fitting into the one space in a small amount of time. That and parking bring the score down.

Cedrus Restaurant    9/10
The jewel of the crop, Cedrus is great, an amazing argileh at $35 (our favourite), away from everyone and everything, great food (a tad over-priced), amazing views and location, belly dancers on Friday and Saturday nights, ample parking, incredible service, prime location (just down Lane Cove Road for you Macquarie Uni students). It really is the best of everything. I feel like I'm giving up a secret by telling you all about it, but it really is the spot.

El Sweetie              2/10

El Shitty. Went there once, never again. $35 for a terrible argileh (worse than Sweets) horrendous parking. Everything over-priced, and poor service. I don't even want to continue.

Alright guys, signing off, any questions give me a buzz in the comments!!!